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flamenco Singer

Manuel de la Nina

Debuted in 2001 with just 8 years at the Seville Biennale at the Teatro Lopez de Vega by Manuel Moreno Junquera "Moraito chico", in the trilogy show that took place at the Maestranza Theater in Seville.

Debuted in 2001 with just 8 years at the Seville Biennale at the Teatro Lopez de Vega by Manuel Moreno Junquera “Moraito chico”, in the trilogy show that took place at the Maestranza Theater in Seville. One year later, in 2002, Juan Carlos Pantoja created a flamenco cultural foundation in the headquarters of the Peña Terremoto, Manuel acted among others in the Villamarta Theater acting as Christmas carols and in which he also had the help of Don Antonio Gallardo to carry out the performance “Jerez to New York”.

In 2007 he presented himself to the national singing contest of the Peña Camarón de la Isla in San Fernando, where he won the 3rd prize. That same year formed the group Soniquete that lasted until 2012. In 2011 participated in the disc of Asignatura Flamenca of the group Soniquete where he sang by solea, fandango and bulerías. They commercialized this disc in Bucharest, France, Madrid, Seville, Cordoba…

In 2012 Manuel began his career as a soloist throughout different stages of Jerez like Peña Pepe Alconchel, Peña de la Buleria, Peña Tio José de Paula, Peña el Pescaero, Peña Los Cernicalos, Peña Don Antonio Chacón and Peña de La Buena Gente. He has also performed in La Peña Linense and Camarón in San Fernando.

In 2014 he attended the Villamarta Theater in Jerez, for the date of Christmas with a function created and directed by Pepe del Morao, where he had a fabulous success with the show called Molchibe Calli.

In 2016 he was part of a tour throughout the U.S. Performed in 17 different states, by the hand of the flamenco ballet company José Porcél during 2 months and a half. At the end of that same year he participated in Los Viernes Flamencos and in La Gran Fiesta de la Bulería.

He won the revelation prize for the best saeta by siguiriya Manuel Torres style that took place in the peña buena gente.

In 2017 he put a disc on the market called Pasaje along with comrades such as Rafael del Zambo, Enrique Remache and Fernando del Morao, with the special participation of Diego del Morao and Manuel Parrilla. This disc was presented in the Sala Compañía in the Festival of Jerez and that same year also made a small tour in Brussels stepping on the cathedral of the city.

It is also worth noting that during his career he has accompanied Antonio Reyes on several occasions at the Malaga Biennial and at the Casa Bermeja festival.

During the Christmas holidays, María José Santiago gave him the opportunity to accompany her to large theaters such as the Teatro Villamarta de Jerez, the Gran Teatro de Málaga and the Teatro Fibes de Sevilla.

Manuel has also participated in the great Gran Reserva Festival “Honores a Moraito” in the Plaza de Toros de Jerez sharing a poster with great artists such as Pansequito, Juanito Villar, Juana del Pipa, La Macanita, Rancapino chico, Antonio Reyes and the great teacher Manuela Carrasco.


Traditional Gastronomy Tour

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