Tablao Flamenco Cordobes has traditionally turn the autumn into a meeting point of the art that inspire us. This time the Tablao gathers again the internationally famous young professionals who will impress the audience.
David Cerreduela
Tablao Flamenco Cordobes has traditionally turn the autumn into a meeting point of the art that inspire us. This time the Tablao gathers again the internationally famous young professionals who will impress the audience.
We are talking about watching together the best of the highest talent… This autumn will be presented ambitious projects for the months of October, November and December, taking up again the essence of the shows Jerez, Flamenco de los Cabales, Pure Gold, Carmen and the Cycle of Great Performers which will take place both in the Tablao Flamenco Cordobes and the Palau de la Música Catalana of Barcelona.
The dance of Amador Rojas, Karime Amaya, Belén López and Sara Barrero. The broken voices of La Tana, Davina Jaén, Morenito de Illora, El coco and Miguel de la Tolea. And as always the guitars of David Cerreduela, Israel Cerreduela and Antonio Sánchez accompanied by the cajon drum of Rafael Jiménez “El Chispa”.
Amador Rojas was born in a gypsy family in Los Palacios, on the outskirts of Seville. At the age of seven he met the master Farruco with whom he started his training as flamenco dancer. Farruco taught Amador the basis of the flamenco world. The interest and necessity of dancing made him study all the audio-visual material he had. He has participated in the festivals: Flamenco Biennial of 1998, Flamenco Biennial of 2008, etc. AWARDS: Award “Best New Artist” in the Flamenco Biennial of 2008, Award “La Venecia Flamenca" 2009, and The Golden Lyre Musicianship Award in 2010.
Karime Amaya, Carmen Amaya’s grand-niece is, without the need for resource her aristocratic lineage, one of the most important dancers of the present day. She has been the dance couple of Farruquito and Jesús Carmona. With both of them she has toured the world participating in the most important flamenco festivals such as: Mont de Marsans, Monterrey, New York Festival, Jerez Festival (where she won the Best New Artist Award).
Belén López, Catalan dancer, is positioned by experts in the summit of flamenco. Since 2001 until 2005 she was first dancer in the Arena di Verona with the operas “Carmen” and “Il Trovatore”, directed by Franco Zefirelli, and the first dancer in the company La Corrala de la Danza, directed by Il Camborio, touring Italy. Throughout her career she has also performed in Prague, Czech Republic, Germany…etc. In May of 2004 she got the National Flamenco Award “Mario Maya” and since then she has been performing around the world. Stands out her presentation in the Flamenco Festival of London in 2013.
Sara Barrero, Catalan dancer, made her debut at the age of 16 in Tablao Flamenco Cordobes in Barcelona. She has performed in many flamenco festivals such as the Young Values Festival in Hospitalet in which she got the award Carmen Amaya, the Grec Festival of Barcelona, Flamenco Art of Catalonia, “De Cajón” Festival, “Flamenco pa’tos” in Madrid, La Unión Festival in Murcia, Biennial of Seville and internationally the Mont de Marsans Festival and the Flamenco Festivals of Paris, Marseille, Lyon, and Nimes in France; Flamenco Festival in London, Flamenco Festival in Tokyo, Jazz Festival in Prague or the Flamenco Festival of USA, among others. In 2000 she worked as a teacher in several dance schools.
Victoria Santiago Borja, known as “La Tana”, started her professional career singing in companies as the one of Joaquín Cortés or Farruquito. Shewas recruited by Paco de Lucía after he listened to her in a bar in Seville; the master of Algeciras added her to the troupe with which he presented his last record along with Duquende and Montse Cortés. In March 2005 was presented her first record as a soloist named “Tú ven a mí” produced by the very same Paco de Lucía. Throughout her career La Tana has performed in the Jerez Festival, the Flamenco Festival of Barcelona, the Flamenco Festival Peña José Mercè, Flamenco Festival of Cáceres, Flamenco Festival Pa’ Tos, Flamenco Festival Casabermeja, etc.
David Cerreduela is the son of El Nani, a famous guitarist and the grand-son of a guitar maker, which explains his precocity in the stages: he started his professional career at the age of 14 years, playing for Lola Flores and Merche Esmeralda. Later, he joined the company of Antonio Canales and worked with Juan de Juan in the play Pueblos, as the musical author. Apart from playing for the most famous flamencos, he has also accompanied Enrique Morente for years. He has been guitarist in the National Ballet of Spain and has collaborated in several records by the singers Diego El Cigala, Manolo Tena, Guadiana or Antonio Carmona.
Manuel Tañé was born in a family related to the traditional flamenco families Los Carpio, Los Moneo and Los Chalao. He learnt from Luis Moneo, with whom he spend many years, and Enrique El Extremeño. Trained in the most archaic Jerez style by Juan Parrilla, Tañé has toured half the world, from South America to Central America and Japan, China, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and the whole Europe. He has also taught sing lessons in many countries, he taught in Vancouver, Japan and in the Academy of Victor Kolstee and Rosario Anceren.
Juan Manzano “El Coco” is a gypsy singer from the neighbourhood Sant Roc (Badalona) who has recently starred the documentary “Bajarí”, a production by the University Pompeu Fabra about the flamenco in Barcelona.
We are talking about watching together the best of the highest talent… This autumn will be presented ambitious projects for the months of October, November and December, taking up again the essence of the shows Jerez, Flamenco de los Cabales, Pure Gold, Carmen and the Cycle of Great Performers which will take place both in the Tablao Flamenco Cordobes and the Palau de la Música Catalana of Barcelona.
The dance of Amador Rojas, Karime Amaya, Belén López and Sara Barrero. The broken voices of La Tana, Davina Jaén, Morenito de Illora, El coco and Miguel de la Tolea. And as always the guitars of David Cerreduela, Israel Cerreduela and Antonio Sánchez accompanied by the cajon drum of Rafael Jiménez “El Chispa”.
Amador Rojas was born in a gypsy family in Los Palacios, on the outskirts of Seville. At the age of seven he met the master Farruco with whom he started his training as flamenco dancer. Farruco taught Amador the basis of the flamenco world. The interest and necessity of dancing made him study all the audio-visual material he had. He has participated in the festivals: Flamenco Biennial of 1998, Flamenco Biennial of 2008, etc. AWARDS: Award “Best New Artist” in the Flamenco Biennial of 2008, Award “La Venecia Flamenca" 2009, and The Golden Lyre Musicianship Award in 2010.
Karime Amaya, Carmen Amaya’s grand-niece is, without the need for resource her aristocratic lineage, one of the most important dancers of the present day. She has been the dance couple of Farruquito and Jesús Carmona. With both of them she has toured the world participating in the most important flamenco festivals such as: Mont de Marsans, Monterrey, New York Festival, Jerez Festival (where she won the Best New Artist Award).
Belén López, Catalan dancer, is positioned by experts in the summit of flamenco. Since 2001 until 2005 she was first dancer in the Arena di Verona with the operas “Carmen” and “Il Trovatore”, directed by Franco Zefirelli, and the first dancer in the company La Corrala de la Danza, directed by Il Camborio, touring Italy. Throughout her career she has also performed in Prague, Czech Republic, Germany…etc. In May of 2004 she got the National Flamenco Award “Mario Maya” and since then she has been performing around the world. Stands out her presentation in the Flamenco Festival of London in 2013.
Sara Barrero, Catalan dancer, made her debut at the age of 16 in Tablao Flamenco Cordobes in Barcelona. She has performed in many flamenco festivals such as the Young Values Festival in Hospitalet in which she got the award Carmen Amaya, the Grec Festival of Barcelona, Flamenco Art of Catalonia, “De Cajón” Festival, “Flamenco pa’tos” in Madrid, La Unión Festival in Murcia, Biennial of Seville and internationally the Mont de Marsans Festival and the Flamenco Festivals of Paris, Marseille, Lyon, and Nimes in France; Flamenco Festival in London, Flamenco Festival in Tokyo, Jazz Festival in Prague or the Flamenco Festival of USA, among others. In 2000 she worked as a teacher in several dance schools.
Victoria Santiago Borja, known as “La Tana”, started her professional career singing in companies as the one of Joaquín Cortés or Farruquito. Shewas recruited by Paco de Lucía after he listened to her in a bar in Seville; the master of Algeciras added her to the troupe with which he presented his last record along with Duquende and Montse Cortés. In March 2005 was presented her first record as a soloist named “Tú ven a mí” produced by the very same Paco de Lucía. Throughout her career La Tana has performed in the Jerez Festival, the Flamenco Festival of Barcelona, the Flamenco Festival Peña José Mercè, Flamenco Festival of Cáceres, Flamenco Festival Pa’ Tos, Flamenco Festival Casabermeja, etc.
David Cerreduela is the son of El Nani, a famous guitarist and the grand-son of a guitar maker, which explains his precocity in the stages: he started his professional career at the age of 14 years, playing for Lola Flores and Merche Esmeralda. Later, he joined the company of Antonio Canales and worked with Juan de Juan in the play Pueblos, as the musical author. Apart from playing for the most famous flamencos, he has also accompanied Enrique Morente for years. He has been guitarist in the National Ballet of Spain and has collaborated in several records by the singers Diego El Cigala, Manolo Tena, Guadiana or Antonio Carmona.
Manuel Tañé was born in a family related to the traditional flamenco families Los Carpio, Los Moneo and Los Chalao. He learnt from Luis Moneo, with whom he spend many years, and Enrique El Extremeño. Trained in the most archaic Jerez style by Juan Parrilla, Tañé has toured half the world, from South America to Central America and Japan, China, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and the whole Europe. He has also taught sing lessons in many countries, he taught in Vancouver, Japan and in the Academy of Victor Kolstee and Rosario Anceren.
Juan Manzano “El Coco” is a gypsy singer from the neighbourhood Sant Roc (Badalona) who has recently starred the documentary “Bajarí”, a production by the University Pompeu Fabra about the flamenco in Barcelona.
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