Festa del Roser
La Rambla – (Las Ramblas) are dressed in colour until next Friday 11 October. The central promenade of Barcelona celebrates since last Saturday October 5 the “57 Festa del Roser”, organized by Amics de La Rambla with the aim of vindicating the culture of the flower and encourage the neighbors of Barcelona to rediscover the area and return to buy flowers as has traditionally been done.
Tablao Flamenco Cordobes has participated in this new edition of the Festa del Roser as well as the Las Golondrias, the Mirador Colón, the Arts Santa Mònica, the Museo de Cera, the Hostal Mare Nostrum or the Palau de la Virreina among others. The winners of this year’s Ramblista de Honor award will be the president of Saba, Salvador Alemany; the journalist and writer Arturo San Agustín, and the Romea Theatre, which will receive it on Tuesday 15 October at Barcelona City Hall.

The Ramblas of Barcelona dress in colour for the Roser Festival
This project, which has been titled “La Rambla en Flor”, has the collaboration of shops, neighbours and entities as well as the Gremi de Floristes and the Escola d’Art Floral y Paisatgisme. During this edition there will be activities such as “One flower, one wish” in front of the Palau de la Virreina, games in La Rambla, routes through emblematic shops and the literary route “La Rambla de Les Lletres”. Visits and open doors to emblematic buildings such as Arts Santa Mònica, Fundació Enric Miralles, Gran Teatre del Liceu, Museu Marítim, Palau Güell, Palau Moja and the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts, among others, are also developed.