Olga Pericet - National Dance Award 2018
The flamenco dancer and choreographer from Cordoba was awarded the National Dance Prize 2018 on 9th October, which is one of the highest acknowledgements that can be received in Spain.
Olga Pericet, a regular dancer at Tablao Flamenco Cordobes in Barcelona, stood out for “her ability to bring together the different disciplines of Spanish dance, updating them in an interpretative language with her own mark, for her scenic versatility and her valuable capacity for transmission”, according to the jury of the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport, which underlined her interpretation in “La espina que quiso ser flor o la flor que soñó con ser bailaora”, a show by her author in which “her interpretative qualities approach a total scenic language”.
In New York City, the dancer received the news to which she referred: “This award also means for me a little push, a help and a boost to my career, a career in which I produce my own shows”.
Olga, who began her studies in Cordoba where she obtained a degree in Spanish Dance and has collaborated in the National Ballet of Spain, has also been recognized in many festivals and countries for her impeccable technical mastery, along with the harmony and natural art of her work.

The flamenco dancer from Cordoba was awarded in the Interpretation category by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport.