flamenco show

Sevilla & Cádiz: Dialogues of Dance “…etc.”

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2018 has just started and in Tablao Flamenco Cordobes we want to welcome the new year with a special show full of first class artists. ¿Fancy a magical night?
Marco Flores
Born in Cádiz, his professional experience begins in tablaos and Andalusian festivals. In 2001 he joined the Sara Baras Company and Rafael Amargo. In 2003 he started his solo projects and created the dance company ESS3 Movimiento together with Olga Pericet, Daniel Doña and Manuel Liñán.
As a soloist he danced at the Flamenco Festival of Lepe, at the International Music and Dance Festival of Granada and participates in the 50th Anniversary Gala of the Corral de la Morería.
In 2007 he created "En Clave" with Manuel Liñán and Olga Pericet and participated in the Flamenco Festival in New York and London, with excellent reviews.

Claudia Cruz
Originally from Cádiz, when she was only 5 years old, she began to learn flamenco, ballet and Spanish classical dance at the academy of Charo Cruz, Cibayi Dance. Claudia has learned from great artists such as Israel Galván, Belén Maya, Mijita Dakota, Pacy Sánchez, Silvia Oen ... etc. and has collaborated in different shows such as the Carnival Proclamation of Cádiz, Carmen de Bizet with the company Los Ullen, Con Alma, Niña Pastori at Christmas ...

She has traveled throughout Europe and Japan, bringing her art to the public, which has been recognized with different prizes such as the first prize Matilde Coral and José de la Vega in 2006 at L'Hospitalet, the first prize in the Ubrique contest in 2006, the first prize in the alegrías dance category in the Peña de la Perla contest in Cádiz, 2005 or the first prize in the Estepona Cantora contest in 2005.

Marina Valiente
Born in Seville, in the bosom of a family of artists where flamenco was instilled in her since she was very small and when she was only 3 years old she went on stage for the first time.
As a bailaora, Marina has performed all over the world, her work includes performing at the Bienal de Sevilla with Israel Galván in her show "Galvánicas", working in the company of Rafael Campallo with which she performed at the Mont de Marsans Festival, between many others.
As for prizes, we can highlight the second prize in the National Contest for Alegrías "La Perla de Cádiz" 2011 and third prize in the Young Flamenco National Competition 2007.

Luis Santiago "El Tati" began his career at age 12, initially as a percussionist and later as a guitarist, accompanying his parents Mercedes Amaya and guitarist Santiago Aguilar. He has participated in various shows of which the "Mont de Marsan Festival", France stand out as it is the most important flamenco festival in the whole country. Tati has also shared the stage with artists of the stature of Gerardo Núñez, the company of Mario Maya, Antonio "El Pipa", Farruco Family, among others.
He has made a tour of presentations in the main cities of Japan, presenting at the National Arts Center with the national dance company.

José Luis Medina
José Luis Medina (1986), guitarist born in Córdoba, starts playing flamenco guitar with 13 years by Alberto Lucena's hand, from whom he learned for 5 years.
He receives classes from great masters of the guitar such as Niño de Pura, Eduardo Rebollar, José Luis Postigo, Miguel Ángel Cortés and Pedro Sierra and competes in the Contest of Youth of Accompaniment to Cante and the Dance organized by the Cristina Heeren Foundation, receiving the first prize. This same year he also won the third prize as a solo guitarist in Alhaurín de la Torre (Málaga) and in Ogijares (Granada).
He has presented his own show at the Flamenco Festival of Chateauneuf (France),

Jesús Núñez
Guitarist born in Cádiz with an extensive professional career behind him. He has played with artists such as Manuel Liñán, Marco Flores, India Martínez or Pitingo, among many others, and has toured Tanzania, Rwanda, Cape Verde, Italy, etc.

The Tana
Victoria Santiago Borja "La Tana" began her professional career singing to dance in companies such as Joaquín Cortés or Farruquito. Paco de Lucía heard her sing in a bar in Seville and asked her to join his own cast.
The voice of the Sevillian cantaora takes center stage in several tracks of the album Cositas buenas (2004), among them, the tangos that give her the title. The master of Algeciras embarked on the troupe with which he presented his latest album around the world, along with other cantaores such as Duquende and Montse Cortés.

Juan Manzano "Coco"
Natural of San Roc, it is probably one of the best flamenco voices in Barcelona. Authentic and with flamenco in his DNA, it accompanies him wherever he goes. Add to it a prodigious voice, capable of a temperamental cante, rich with evocative memories and overflowing naturalness. It is an entire flamenco institution in Barcelona and it does not stop surprising us year after year.

The Quini de Jerez
Throughout his career he has worked with many important artists, such as Tomasa Guerrero "La Macanita", Fernando Terremoto, Elu de Jerez or Merchora Ortega, among others.
When he was already at 20 years old, and mature as a singer, he decided to venture into cante and leave behind his stage as a palmero. At Lagar de Parrilla, one of the most emblematic venues in Jerez he started as a singer and so did his performances in clubs, contests and festivals, winning first prize of the Contest of Cantes by Bulería de Jerez a year later.
After his success he joined the company of Antonio Gades, traveling the world tour after tour: USA, France, London, California, Morocco or Brazil have been some of his destinations.
Manuel de la Nina
Young singer from Jerez de la Frontera who has already toured the main cities of the United States. He debuted with Tomasa 'La Macanita', Luis 'El Zambo' or Tía María Bala, among others
Sevilla & Cádiz: Dialogues of Dance "...etc."


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