The world, the planet, and our society as a whole are witnessing in astonishment a huge transformation in all aspects that have governed us in the last 100 years. Art, and therefore Flamenco, could not be oblivious to this. That is what the artistic proposal we offer this month is about.
Two historical masters, Carrete and José Galván, whose recognition is supported by the curriculum we add to this prologue, accompanied by two prestigious young representatives of current dance enriched by tradition, Pastora Galvan and El Junco, from Seville and Cadiz respectively.
Tablao Cordobés, always with the intention of showcasing Flamenco Art through culture, presents during these days this aesthetic contrast to understand the evolution of an art that has conquered the world and is part of its intangible cultural heritage. We find it very interesting for our clients to have an experience away from tourist clichés, as we have been doing for 54 years. That is why we hope you can enjoy authentic flamenco, tradition, culture, and its art. Thank you for the opportunity you give us.
José Losada ‘Carrete’
Carrete de Malaga is a legendary dancer who likes to call himself the gypsy Fred Astaire, with 70 years on stage. Self-taught, intuitive, influenced by the great classics of flamenco, he is charismatic and surprising. After a successful career, he is experiencing a second stage of extraordinary recognition in the world of flamenco, which has positioned him as a cult dancer. Shows, biographies, and all kinds of tributes have been dedicated to him. To mention the most recent ones, in 2023 the City Council of his hometown Torremolinos dedicated a statue to him, and the Flamenco Biennial of Malaga declared the ‘Picassiano’ and ‘Carretiano’ year, opening the festival with a tribute show to Carrete, starring him, and he received the Venta de Vargas Award. Tablao Flamenco Cordobés wants to join the long list of well-deserved tributes, and opens its Cycle of Great Interpreters 2024 with this unique and singular character of flamenco. Flamenco in its purest state.
José Galván
Dancer from Seville, master of masters, José Galván has a professional trajectory so long and varied that it would take a book to summarize it. He has worked in all the important Tablaos in Spain and has also spent long periods at the Garlochi in Tokyo. He has traveled the whole world with dance companies, sharing the stage with great stars. As if that were not enough, his brilliant professional career is topped off with the valuable teaching career he has developed in Seville, where he has trained generations of great artists at his academy. In 2016, he received the prestigious Giraldillo de Sevilla award. His two children, Pastora and Israel, are two of the great current stars of flamenco, and it is an extraordinary opportunity to see him sharing the bill with Pastora at Tablao Flamenco Cordobés.
Pastora Galván
A dancer of recognized prestige, Pastora combined her career at the Seville Conservatory with her first professional jobs. Already in 1995, at the age of 15, she traveled to the United States for the first time with the San Francisco Flamenco Theater Company. The following year she taught courses at Stanford University and performed in France with the Israel Galván Company. Since then she has not stopped teaching and performing around the world with different companies and as a solo dancer.
He began his training in Cádiz and continued in Jerez and Seville with renowned teachers. He has been a soloist dancer in companies such as Cristina Hoyos and the Ballet Flamenco de Andalucía. He has presented several shows, receiving praise from the public and the press. He has participated in world-renowned festivals and has been awarded prizes such as the Max Award for Best Male Dance Performer in 2008. He is currently preparing a new show with another dancer from Cadiz entitled "Bailaores".
José Galván
Pastora Galván
El Junco
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